Disney Tricks : Chapter 2 | Part 1 ——– [Gravity Falls Video Analysis]


I know there wasn’t much covered, but this is the problem.. I can’t find anything online to edit from. All the episodes, shows and clips I researched from was on TV or Netflix. The episodes you see on this video are literally the only things I could find from my notebook, and that notebook is full (nearly every page) of research. This is a big problem, but I will find a solution. I have a pretty good Camcorder now, all I’ll need is a good microphone and I’ll be able to rent/buy/record/TiVO the shows. I may be targeted for more copyright laws doing this, but whatever, I’m still going to do it. Just bear with me and I’ll be able to make this series much easier and faster!

Also, Part 4 of Chapter 1 is nearly finished as well. Just need to revise a few things and it’ll be uploaded.